Ethan Grant Hartley was born on Feb. 9, 2009!!! He weighed 8lbs 14oz and was 20 inches long. He is a very sweet and mellow baby, the only time he really cries is when he is getting his diaper changed. His sisters adore him and are constantly showering him with hugs and kisses.
We're a little late getting the news out because his birth was followed with some complications for me which resulted in an extra week in the hospital. But we're all home and healthy now and we're excited to have Ethan in our family!
BYU vs Michigan State
8 years ago
Congrats on your new baby boy! Glad the delivery went well. Your new home looks great. I'm sure with the cost of milk being so much less you can have some vacation money in no time!
Congratulations on the new arrival!! I will live vicariously through you now that you have a boy:) Take care of the cute little man!
he's so handsome! what a looker you have on your hands. how fun! i'm so excited we'll be closer to you guys in just a few months so ethan and katie can meet. :) what is your new address? i have an announcement i wanted to send your way? we love and miss you guys so so much!
Okay,so I know that you two are busy, but I would like to have found out about the little one not from your blog and Not 2 weeks after he was born. Just a thought.
And I know that you two are coming down here this weekend for conference. So, are you spending the whole weekend in Farmington or are you going to Orem. We are trying to plan to see you, but we don't have your new phone numbers. Please let us know. SOON. Thanks. Can't wait to see everyone.
How is it that I haven't been on your blog so long? And surprise!!! Congratulations! What a handsome little guy.
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